The Karlsruhe Pass – because senior citizens in the region do not look their age!
In the Karlsruhe region, 60 maybe means starting a new stage of life; but not one in which you are worse off. The Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus ensures that even senior citizens with limited financial resources can enjoy life by providing better access to social activities.
The Pass includes different services in form of benefits on extensive offers from participating municipalities, including leisure, sport, culture, education and mobility. Moreover, the Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus includes €120 worth of vouchers each year for sport or cultural activities, such as membership fees, theatre tickets at Badisches Staatstheater (Baden State Theatre), adult education courses or discounted season tickets for Karlsruhe’s outdoor pools.
The Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus makes it possible for older people to experience the region’s high quality of life.
The Pass includes different services in form of benefits on extensive offers from participating municipalities, including leisure, sport, culture, education and mobility. Moreover, the Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus includes €120 worth of vouchers each year for sport or cultural activities, such as membership fees, theatre tickets at Badisches Staatstheater (Baden State Theatre), adult education courses or discounted season tickets for Karlsruhe’s outdoor pools.
The Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus makes it possible for older people to experience the region’s high quality of life.

How to get the Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus: apply once and use it the whole year.
You can get the Karlsruhe Pass in the participating municipalities. Currently these are Karlsruhe, Graben-Neudorf, Pfinztal, Rheinstetten (without KVV reduction), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (without KVV reduction), Bad Schönborn (without KVV reduction), Hambrücken (without KVV reduction), Weingarten, Stutensee and Waldbronn (for residents from 65 years, incl. reduction for the "Karte ab 65" of the KVV). It is issued immediately on the spot, is valid for twelve months and can be renewed every year. All you need is a current, passport-sized photo and the relevant, complete information in its original form or complete documents for evaluation.

Those entitled to it are:
· Citizens that get ALG II (unemployment benefits) (SGB II), baisc income (SGB XII) or housing benefits or have a low income or small pension.
· People with a low income who do not get social benefits can have their claim to a Karlsruhe Pass evaluated individually directly at the issuing office. Please bring the nessessary documents Unterlagen zur Berechnung.
· For applications of people without social benefits in the municipalities of the district listed on the right, please inquire at your issuing office for the necessary documents.
· People with a low income who do not get social benefits can have their claim to a Karlsruhe Pass evaluated individually directly at the issuing office. Please bring the nessessary documents Unterlagen zur Berechnung.
· For applications of people without social benefits in the municipalities of the district listed on the right, please inquire at your issuing office for the necessary documents.

The options
What the Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus has to offer is so diverse that we can only give you a brief overview here. You will find more details about the options using the symbol on the right.
The Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund (KVV) offers passport holders from Karlsruhe City a discount of approx. 50% on various monthly tickets. Karlsruhe pass holders from Weingarten can obtain the "Karte ab 65" (subscription only) with a reduction of about 50%.
Numerous municipal museums and some Theaters in the region have reduced the entrance fee with the Karlsruhe Pass.
The Zoological Garden’s annual ticket is available at the Zoo’s cash desk in return for a small personal contribution. Entry to various events in the region, such as Das Fest or KSC home games, is discounted or even free.
Different outdoor and indoor pools in the region give up to 50% off the regular single admission price. In addition, the outdoor pool season ticket is 50% cheaper.
The Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus includes €120 worth of vouchers each year for sport or cultural activities, such as membership fees, theatre tickets at Badisches Staatstheater (Baden State Theatre), adult education courses and discounted outdoor pool season tickets.
1When can the Pass be renewed?
The validity period is indicated in the Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus’ stamp field. It can be renewed during the last month of this validity date at the respective issuing office.
2Which documents do I need to make the renewal?
For a renewal, we require the same documents as if for a new application, but in their current version. Please bring the nessessary documents Unterlagen zur Berechnung.
3Do I need an appointment?
In some instances; it depends on the respective issuing office. You will find the opening times of the issuing offices and the respective contact details on the pages of the participating municipality.
4How long do I have to wait for the Karlsruhe Pass?
In Karlsruhe, the Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus can usually be issued directly on the spot and is immediately valid for all offers and services provided that you have the valid information and/or documents plus a photo with you at the time of making the application. Please check the information at the issuing office about processing times in other participating municipalities.
5I have lost my pass – what now?
Lost Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus’ can be replaced by us. The expiry date then corresponds to that of the original pass. We do not need to see any documents this time but please bring your ID with you and a new photo.
6Where is the discounted season ticket valid and how much is it?
The discounted season ticket is valid at municipal outdoor pools during the summer season from the beginning of May until the end of the summer holidays. Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus holders can purchase the monthly ticket with a 50% discount. The discounted season ticket can only be purchased at jfbw. Please bring a photo with you.
Discounted season ticket prices for 2019:
Adult season ticket Amount with Karlsruhe Pass € 42.00
Family season ticket Amount with Karlsruhe Pass € 95.00
Discounted season ticket Amount with Karlsruhe Pass € 26.00
Discounted season ticket prices for 2019:
Adult season ticket Amount with Karlsruhe Pass € 42.00
Family season ticket Amount with Karlsruhe Pass € 95.00
Discounted season ticket Amount with Karlsruhe Pass € 26.00
7Where can the 60Plus education voucher be used?
At all facilities in Karlsruhe that have cultural, educational or sport courses and are prepared to accept the education voucher. The education voucher can also be used to cover co-payments for discounted offers with the Karlsruhe Pass 60Plus (e.g. for courses at the VHS – adult education centre –). You will find the entire range of activities with the respective places that accept in the range of offers. You will find out more from the respective places that accept as to whether it is possible to combine discounts and education vouchers.
8Who can accept 60Plus education vouchers?
All clubs or organisations that offer sports or cultural leisure activities or educational courses can accept the education voucher. jfbw are available for any questions if you are not sure whether they will be able to accept education vouchers or if you would like more information.
9What do I have to do as a place that accepts education vouchers?
The education vouchers are submitted to jfbw with an informal invoice. This invoice must include: Name, address, telephone number and bank details of the place of acceptance as well as the name of the education voucher holder, description of the activity, including the period of time and the amount due. The original education vouchers must be attached so that the respective amount can be reimbursed.