Extension SozialRegion – Karlsruher Pass in Pfinztal
4. March 2022
Expansion of the SocialRegion – Walzbachtal
On 17.03.2015, the municipality of Walzbachtal joined the Karlsruhe Children’s Pass with the signing of the cooperation agreement by Karl-Heinz Burgey, Mayor of Walzbachtal, and Dr. Franz Mentrup, Lord Mayor of the City of Karlsruhe, in the presence of the Mayors of Stutensee, Klaus Demal, and Weingarten (Baden), Eric Bänzinger, which will be introduced in Walzbachtal on 01.04.2015.
Jugendfreizeit- und Bildungswerk
Bürgerstr. 16 76133 Karlsruhe 0721 133-5671 jfbw@stja.de