Expansion of the SocialRegion – Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
18. July 2024
Expansion of the SocialRegion – Pfinztal
On behalf of the Mayor of Pfinztal, Nicole Bodner, Roland Härer, Deputy Head of Department, and the Mayor of Karlsruhe, Martin Lenz, signed the cooperation agreement for the Karlsruhe Children’s Pass on 01.07.2016, making the discounts of the Karlsruhe Children’s Pass available to children and young people in Pfinztal throughout the entire SocialRegion as of 15.07.2016. The circle of participating municipalities has thus expanded to six towns and municipalities.
Jugendfreizeit- und Bildungswerk
Bürgerstr. 16 76133 Karlsruhe 0721 133-5671 jfbw@stja.de